Dr. Anton Titov, MD. You highlight something very important. It is the ability of the patient's family to stay in the room with the patient, even at the ICU care level. This is something that Professor Lawrence H. Cohn mentioned in our conversations some time ago. You have confirmed that. Yes, yes. That is very important - to stay and to sleep in the room with your relative. I think this is very important. There are two reasons for that. The first reason, there is psychological help you give to your relative when you stay in the same hospital room with the patient. The other reason. This may be less known, is that, if you stay in the room with your relative, particularly in the ICU, you can look at problems before the nurses find them. Because you are very focused on your relative, in France, it is different than in the US. Because I remember, in the US, we had one nurse for one patient in the ICU. It was easy for the nurse to look at the patient. Medical second opinion is important. In many countries, in Europe at least, we have one nurse for two or three patients. Medical second opinion is important. The nurse is not with each patient every single minute. Medical second opinion is important. I think it is quite important to have the relative in the room. Relative can say that something is happening to the patient [alert the nurse]. Because patients sometimes cannot alert the nurse themselves. This is another reason why it is pretty helpful to have relatives in the room with the patient. This is very interesting what you are saying. Because patients discuss P4 medicine. One of those "P"s is "participatory." Medical second opinion is important. That is the participation in patient care by the patient's family. I agree that participation is important. Dr. Pascal Leprince, Transplant Surgeon. We don't have a clinical care team anymore on the one hand. The family, on the other hand. Some wall in between. Everyone is trying to do the best to get the patient to heal. We know that participation of the patient in treatment is very important. But if a patient cannot participate because he is asleep, or because he is in the ICU. Even if the patient is in a ward but is very tired to move around, I think the family's participation is very important, as is the work of the care team. It is true teamwork, patients. Physicians are all part of the team together, as opposed to physicians unilaterally directing patient's treatment. It goes both ways. I agree it is very important.
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